Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Radical Fascist Rosa De Lauro’s Total Control of Food: H.S. 875

From Wikipedia:

“United States Representative Rosa DeLauro (born March 2, 1943), American politician, has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1991, representing Connecticut's 3rd congressional district. The district is based in New Haven, and includes most of that city's suburbs.”

DeLauro and the voters who reelect her are our enemy160px-Rosa_DeLauro_109th_pictorial_photo.

People with the will to centralize everything at the highest possible level are our enemy.

Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn. -3), chairwoman of the Agriculture – Food and Drug Administration Appropriations Subcommittee is wants to register your tomato patch.

She said this:

“By creating the Food Safety Working Group, the President is demonstrating his commitment to taking the necessary steps toward reforming our food safety system. It is imperative that the Administration ensures that the working group is not merely a cosmetic bureaucratic endeavor. The working group must produce definitive recommendations that result in the modernization of our food safety regulatory structure and an integration of our food safety functions.”

The plan is to combine the USDA and FDC. The plan is to control food from start to finish. The plan is to make producers pay for their own monitoring. The plan is to sign up every food producer. The plan is paperwork. The plan is licensing. The plan is control. The plan is snooping. The plan is getting permission. The plan is somebody telling you what you can and can’t do. The plan is to control everything – that means you, sucker. So shut up while they ram Total-Control down your throat…for your own good to justify their miserable existences! Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government given any authority to snoop into our lives with a “food-safety system.”

The plan is actually to protect the big food producers from the small ones. That is always the way regulation gets done. The big producers know that they can absorb any new regulatory requirements, so they push for them (for the good of society, of course). The regulations then put the smaller and marginal producers out of business and make entry into the field tougher, just what the big producers wanted.

And that’s all there is to it. It never has a thing to do with the good of society. It is just a way for the big to get bigger.

The incompetent voter is always fooled. But we can’t stop trying to change this. There is a way to stop the giants from ruling the world. This blog entry is a tiny attempt. The ability to tell this sordid story is a marvelous and new ability.

Many people want to be free from government tyranny and some of those are willing to work for that goal.

You can read about it Rosa’s latest effort to enslave us with, HB 875 here, here, here and here.

And here is the post that proves that the left and the right are not always natural enemies. It’s government and especially the government/business system we have that threatens us at every moment. The Daily Kos had this to say about HB 875.

Here is a list of the legislation Rosa DeLauro has sponsored.

Of the $1,098,930 Rosa DeLauro spent on her last campaign, a great deal of the money came from outside of Connecticut. Her major donors can be found here.

The way she and others survive is by putting together coalitions of special interest businesses. In DeLauro’s case the money comes from:

Labor $213,500 21.0 %
Agribusiness $184,250 18.1 %
Health $161,246 15.8 %
Lawyers & Lobbyists $130,700 12.8 %
Finance/Insur/RealEst $83,950 8.2 %

Rosa DeLauro is married to pollster Stan Greenburg, famous for his continuing argument that Democrats must actively work to present themselves as populists advocating the expansion of opportunity for the middle class. As the pollster for Clinton in 1992, Greenberg was a major figure in the famed campaign "war room" (and hence the documentary film of the same name). (italics added)

The above is from Wikipedia’s entry on Greenburg. Notice how it’s phrased, “present themselves as.” This is the strategy of making yourself appear that which you are not in order to get elected so that you can do what you planned to do all along afterward. This strategy was illuminated in Adam Curtis’s great documentary, The Century of Self. Greenburg uses the idea of treating voters like irrational consumers to sell them a “product." And this emphatically does not imply giving them what they want.

You can bet that Rosa DeLauro is careful not to speak publically spectrum-400103about the full measure of her radical agenda. But the fact that her husband has Monsanto as a client is reported in Wikipedia here. Can you imagine anything more sleazy? Monsanto pays Rosa’s husband for her work in the U.S.House of Representatives that will enslave us all. Rosa DeLauro is a PfH if there ever was one.

Rosa DeLauro is a Politician from Hell and must be stopped! Outside the borders of South Carolina, she and her kind must be stopped completely, and their philosophy of total control by Biz/Gov buried forever!

The purpose of this blog post is simply to expose a Politician from Hell. It is not my intention to foment hatred for Rosa DeLauro personally. She is, no doubt, ideologically quite perverse, however, while she must be stopped from limiting the freedom of those of us who do not want her brand of “protection,” it is the system that allows ideas like H.R.875 to threaten us that must be jettisoned.

It is pitiful that the citizens of a place called New Haven and the 3rd district of a place called Connecticut, could want to be represented by Rosa DeLauro (and she was returned to the House for her 10th term by 76% of the vote) but if they want the kind of things she proposes than they should have them for themselves.

People who think as differently as the majority of South Carolinians do about these things should not have to be subjected to the continuous threats to their happiness that Rosa DeLauro poses to them.

The States of the united states should be free to run their own affairs. This is their legal right and it is a better idea than the one we have now under which the Rosa DeLauro’s of the world are continuously churning out grandiose schemes each more outrageous than the last. Huge numbers of jaws drop with incredulity when one of these schemes is trotted out and that doesn’t bother the Rosa DeLauro’s of the federal government. They will force a one-size-fits-all program on us all if we do not stop them.

So we must use harsh language. Rosa DeLauro is simply dead wrong for South Carolina and she must be stopped. But more important, the system that enables powerful financial interests to buy elections for Rosa DeLauro and others like her is the greater problem.

The power of the federal government must be curbed.

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