Nothing written here is personal in intent. While it is a pleasure to criticize the bad that is being done to the good people of South Carolina behind their back, it is the law itself, under which secret voting by the Legislature has been allowed to flourish, that is the true culprit more than the individuals who simply inherited it.
The ability to spend great sums of other peoples’ money in secrecy invokes the ancient story of the ring Gyges. Given its obvious potency, it is unsurprising that the power of invisibility, once obtained, might neither, in the hands of average human beings, be used for good, nor readily parted with. Despite the evil potential inherent in such power one who had risen by its mastery might be expected to oppose its extinction.
So I fail neither to appreciate nor to sympathize with the old hands who are fighting tooth and nail to retain that power. Their political careers have been built upon it.
I simply know that they must fail if we the Citizens are to win. And in this case, in so far as Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell has pulled out all the stops to protect the bad old ways, I am justified in taking aim at him in the following manner.
A Tyrant has to work in darkness. A Tyrant fears exposure of his machinations. Bobby Harrell isn’t skillful enough, though. Everybody knows what he did.
House Speaker Bobby Harrell doesn’t care about mere Citizens’ rights to be informed about his doings up there in Cloud Tyrant Land.
This is how one Citizen expressed his disgust with one act from King Bobby’s Trick Bag:
“Nikki, The cheap shot by House Speaker Bobby Harrell to remove you from an important House committee was an obvious and despicable abuse of power by someone who should be above that kind of shameful behavior. Everyone in the state should be made aware of how you were punished by the “good ol’ boys” for pushing them to be accountable for how they vote on fiscal matters. It’s shameful how they all hide behind the dirty skirts of the Speaker of the House, insulting the intelligence and abusing the trust of the citizens who voted them into office, and who they took an oath to represent in a fair and honest manner.”
Nikki Haley’s words in the video above begin:
“The boiling point came late in last session when we took up the cost of living increase, a bill that is debated every year. I was greatly disappointed when a legislative pay raise was slipped in, but I was literally sick to my stomach when the bill dealing with state retirees and police officers that have served our state, passed with a legislative pay raise on a voice vote.
“Not one vote was on the record. Not one. No one will ever know who voted themselves a pay raise and who didn’t. I was embarrassed to be part of a group that I was so honored to have been elected to. That day we reached an all-time low. It was a low in respect for the people of this state. And it was a high in arrogance. And it was a very sad day for South Carolina. My embarrassment turned to anger and my anger turned to the belief, “Don’t complain about it. Do something about it! And the very next day I filed the 2008 Spending Accountability Act…”
Talbert Black arranged this opportunity for Nikki Haley to speak about better government. Talbert is with Campaign for Liberty. If you want to be part of the solution look into them.
King Bobby hates Nikki Haley because she wants good government. He hates Governor Sanord because he, too, champions fiscal accountability. King Bobby hates everybody that wants transparent government. He hates the S.C. Policy Council as well as the S.C. Club for Growth and South Carolinians for Responsible Government.
Now, those of you who believe that BGGG (Big Government has Gotta Go) know why the Bobby Harrells of the world hate so many good people.
Secrecy allows individuals to choose a career in government for what government can do for them – not just by conferring status upon them but through tangible rewards as well. Only if they can keep the light of day off of their game can the fruits of their efforts end up in their own and their friends’ bank accounts. It’s as simple as that. Pay offs don’t have to be immediate. Payoffs can even thwart the light as with those involving “the revolving door.” The opportunities are as rich as the human imagination. But shining the light of day upon votes is fundamental. Perhaps we won’t even have to vote some of the bums out of office. Make shunting other peoples money towards themselves and their friends hard enough and the whole political enterprise might loose its luster.
What a pleasant thought.