Sunday, February 22, 2009

Robert Reich: Skilled White Men Need Not Apply

When government controls capitol, it ceases to flow where it can earn the best return. Capitol controlled by politicians ceases to reward good judgment with increase and soon begins to evaporate. Thereafter, the increasing well being of the people that is produced by rising incomes begins to diminish. All boats will sink now, but some will sink faster than others.

The Govsters have nationalized the banking sector. They control the money now, and they will use this power to settle old scores and change the balance of power forever if they can.When a government goes socialist the Govsters quickly reward their cronies, lackeys and partisans while penalizing their enemies-as poverty grows.

White Men are to be the Underclass of the NewAmerica.

Another great video from NakedEmperorNews.

The ever quotable, Robert Reich, minces no words as he necks up to the Rulers forum in his best freedom-loathing style.

"I am concerned," he says, "as I am sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to highly skilled people who are already professionals, or to white male construction workers...Criteria can be set, so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed, minorities, women..."

Criminal Govster Charlie Rangle waxes candid as well,

"...and one thing that you can depend on, you don't have to be worried about what the middle class is going to do. Things are so bad. They have to put food on the table, and clothes for their kids, and get them in school..."

Rangle then asks Reich how to cut State governments out of the decision making process so the money can go directly to the people the Ruling Cabal wants to favor:

"Don't you think that we can get rid of some of the fears that you express by mandating the the criterias and the formulas."

Reich replies:

"Mr chairman, absolutely, I think the formulas and criteria ought to be mandated. Governors should be given a choice of either signing on the bottom line or not. They should be held accountable. This should not be held up in state legislatures..."

It is interesting to live in the last days of a way of life.

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