It's hard to know what to do. I can roughly imagine a life of freedom but I have never known freedom and probably never will. Unfreedom is in the air. Most everything is already locked down and the last bits are being nailed down right now. The U S Regime of Repression under which I function has berzerked. And World Repression is now the main repression project.
Total control is the order of the day. We can talk about it and yet we are powerless to change it.
Iron chains are an ancient technology of restraint. Leather whips are another. Tasers are cool too, and they are new.
But the main levers are Government Schools and TV. With them total subjugation is inevitable and in fact largely already here.
Humans in control of humans - that's the point.
I want them off my back.
Therefore, I am the enemy of anybody and any group who wants to tell me what I can and can't do with or put into my own body. I am the enemy of anybody and any group who wants to tell me what any other adult and I can and can't do together. I am the enemy of anybody and any group who wants to tell me what I can and can't do with on my own property. I am the enemy of anybody or any group who wants to steal from me - and that is all that taxes are: taxes are always theft. And I am the enemy of anybody and any group that wants to tell anyone else what to do or not to do with themselves and their own property.
And I don't want to have to fight never ending battles against laws devised by my enemies just to keep them from messing with me. I don't know what rights are but I want to associate only with men and women who are convinced of these same principles and are willing to do the hard and dangerous work of living a public life in favor of them and of publicly exposing the enemies of fundamental freedom.
The essential divide among human beings is between the controllers and the controlled.
The essential divide among the controlled is between those who detest their controllers and those who do not.
The essential divide among those who who detest their controllers is between those who act and those who do not.
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